Project Description
It was through my own personal healing journey that I trained and qualified as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist some years ago. I have always been interested in a holistic approach to self- care. I trained with Body Intelligence, accredited by the Irish Association of Craniosacral Therapists (IACST), a professional body which maintains standards and represents therapists in Ireland.
BCST is a gentle hands on therapy which assists the body’s natural capacity for self- repair. While being deeply relaxing, it is a subtle and profound healing form which helps increase general physical vitality and well-being. The therapy addresses the whole being, working on both physical and emotional levels. Patterns of tension, strain and resistance are encouraged to release and to heal. A current problem may have its roots in earlier experience, even as far back as birth when the body can undergo significant compression and strain. These may include emotional states like anxiety or depression and physical expressions like back pain, migraine, digestive and respiratory disorders.
The treatment is carried out while fully clothed, usually lying on a treatment couch/plinth. Using a very gentle touch to hold different parts of the body (feet, spine, head, sacrum, shoulders etc), creating a safe space for the body to change towards better health and balance, while facilitating an increase in the body’s healing capacity. The treatment is client lead, which means that your body determines the pace so that you are totally in control, feel safe and comfortable and able to integrate whatever changes occur. BCST developed from the work of an American Osteopath, Dr. William Sutherland, in the early 1900’s.
Those in good health find that BCST compliments the body’s natural healing process and can be an aid to general well- being and can be used as a preventive health measure to boost resistance to disease. It is suitable for all ages, from newly born to the elderly, and does not interfere with any other treatments that you are receiving.
BCST can help with many ailments eg. Stress & anxiety. Fatigue & insomnia. Sinus & migraine issues. Pain. Fibromyalgia & ME. Shock & trauma. Vertigo/balance. Pregnancy & Hormonal issues. Birth trauma – colic & digestive issues and lots more.
Mobile: 085 7243635
Address: The Healing Space, 54, Weafer Street Enniscorthy, Co Wexford & The Lighthouse, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny
Hours of business: Monday – Saturday 10am – 7pm