Project Description

Julie Dollman
Julie DollmanAYNI

Using the Practices of Andean Shamanism & Insights… to connect once more to the Earth & Cosmos. Come with us on a wonderful journey, a journey that leads ultimately home once more… Using the ways of the Medicine men and women of the Andes, and teachings of Andean shamanism incorporating pure living energy. This is a blend of ancient practices that are eminently effective in healing the past and present.

At Ayni, we have walked the path of shaman and healers for over 10 years now. The Healing and teachings we offer have been honed from a deep understanding and practical application, used daily as part of our shamanic healing practise.

We have walked open heart and mind to learn from Master Shamans, Paqos and Alta Mesayouks from Peru. We have also received extensive tutoring in Andean Shamanism, taught personally by Dr Alberto Villoldo of the Four Winds Society.

At this point in our lives, we had the calling to offer a range of unique and powerful inspirational teachings. These teachings come from a deep place of practical knowledge, wisdom and love. We have been teaching now for 2 years and offer classes and master classes in Andean Shamanism. We are spiritual beings experiencing a human existence. However, by being and living on this Earth, many have become lost and locked down; buried deeply within the trials, tribulations and wounds of modern-day life; very often completely disconnected from the very things that ignite passion and hope in us.

Manifestation is the key to all of the wisdom that we share. It is the life force of our inner beings that comes directly from the divine to create itself in the present. The understanding of our teachings is simple… In order that we reconnect by means of the experiential, we must first change our perceptions, behaviours and belief systems.

These are the lessons that we are offering in our Ayni School of Andean Shamanism … As Master Shamanic Practitioners and Healers; we offer healing relief, to heal and clear the souls path and to open the doors to possibility for our clients and students who come from all over the world. Julie is the author of Living Shamanism, Unveiling the Mystery.

Mobile: 0834729056

Address: Triskele Raheenahoon Lane Galbally Enniscorthy Co Wexford
Hours of business: 10am – 15oopm