Listing on Holistic Wexford
The Directory has been successful in raising the profiles of existing listees. Many have received a lot of business via the website. For other practitioners the site is their online presence. is updated, maintained developed & promoted throughout the year.
How do I list?
You send an email expressing your interest.
• Following our communication when you, the practitioner, instructor or business has expressed interest in being listed I will forward an email form for you to fill [Profile details & Photo specifications] & payment information.
What does a listing cost?
The charge for 12 months listing is
- for an individual practitioner • €50
- higher rates apply to Retail Stores & Wellness Centres starting from €95
What does a listing receive?
• A profile on [Your contact & information about you & what you can do for your customer]
• The Subscription fee entitles the practitioner, a listing in the directory & another full update later within the 12 month subscription period. After that updates are charged an additional €15 per update.
• As a listee your business, service and profile will be promoted on Twitter: @holisticwexford this includes 3 custom images, twitter optimised to promote you. For example, a general over view, your speciality, your most popular product or service, aspects you wish to remind customers of.
• The website is promoted offline & online throughout the year.
If you would like to know more. Get in touch.